Our goal is to navigate all of these changes so that you never notice a difference in the high-quality ad blocking you’ve come to expect from us.

Called Manifest V3 name refers to a new version of Google’s browser extension platform-this evolution of the browser ecosystem will change how all browser extensions work, and bring some challenges along with it. We’re on the cusp of one such change, which is the result of changes Google is making to how browser extensions work in Chrome. Occasionally, however, we need to make substantial changes to ensure Adblock Plus keeps up with the browser ecosystem. Usually this work happens behind the scenes, with little fanfare. We spend thousands of hours each year ensuring that Adblock Plus works in the web browsers our users rely on: specifically Google Chrome, Apple’s Safari browser, Microsoft’s Edge browser, and Mozilla’s Firefox browser. Our mission is to block all ads, pop-ups, and distractions so you can focus on a stress-free internet experience.